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Whether in the dentist’s office or simply preparing for a checkup, you should know what your dentist is doing. However, there are four things that you probably need to learn about what your dentist is doing at your checkup. These include taking x-rays, examining your salivary glands, evaluating your bite, and taking care of your temporomandibular joint.

Examining your salivary glands

During your checkup, your healthcare provider may examine your salivary glands. These glands help keep your mouth and throat moist and aid digestion. The glands are found throughout the mouth and throat but are not easy to see. Therefore, they are best examined by palpation, placing your fingers along the glands, and observing the saliva that comes out.

If the healthcare provider feels that you may have a problem with your salivary glands, they may examine the glands using an endoscope, a thin tube with a camera. The healthcare provider will numb the area during the exam with a numbing medication.

If your salivary glands are swollen, they may be due to inflammation or infection. Bacteria or viruses may cause the condition. These infections are more common in older people. Some infections can go away independently, while others may require more severe treatment.

Evaluating your bite

Your family dental care happy Valley Oregon will evaluate your bite during a checkup and recommend a course of action. This could mean a simple cleaning or a more involved procedure. It may also involve using new technology, such as an intraoral camera.

A thorough examination of your teeth and gums will include a detailed medical history review. Your doctor may also take x-rays to check for bone quality. Your dentist will also look for telltale signs of gum disease or oral cancer. If a serious issue is discovered, your dentist will be more than happy to refer you to a doctor for a more in-depth examination.

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The dentist may be more than happy to explain the benefits of brushing and flossing and recommend more frequent checkups to keep your smile looking its best. However, you should be aware that brushing and flossing alone cannot remove all the plaque or tartar that may have accumulated in your mouth.

Taking care of your temporomandibular joint

Taking care of your temporomandibular joint at your checkup can be crucial in preventing a condition affecting your jaw. When the joint is not working correctly, it can cause pain in your jaw, neck, and shoulders. In severe cases, it may also cause headaches.

The temporomandibular joint is a critical ligament that connects your lower jaw to the skull. It controls all jaw functions. When it is not working correctly, it can cause problems with your teeth.

Your dentist can diagnose the temporomandibular joint disorder. Your dentist can also repair your joint if it is injured. For example, the joint can be damaged by over-exertion, teeth grinding, or a misaligned bite.

Your dentist will also need to perform a physical exam to rule out any conditions that may affect the joint, including gum disease or arthritis. He may also need to perform other tests, including full-face X-rays or MRI scans.

If your dentist diagnoses you with TMD, you may undergo a procedure. The procedure may involve arthrocentesis, injecting sterile fluid into the joint space. This fluid breaks up adhesions and cleans the joint.