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Human beings typically think of bacteria as the enemy. Bacteria are bad; they cause harmful diseases that are sometimes fatal. Statements such as these are true to a certain extent, but they only tell part of the story. The microbiome is incredibly complex and its genetic material has been sequenced in many studies to try to uncover its complex nature and role in our bodies. The study of the microbiome hasn’t been perfect though, just as other areas in the medical field that use AI and large data sets that experience mistakes due to bias in machine learning. The truth is though, that relatively few bacteria species are harmful. Many more benefit people, animals, or plants in one way or another. Here are a few examples. 

1. Rhizobium

Rhizobium is a type of bacteria found in soil. It helps plants to convert nitrogen in the air into ammonia, something that plants need to grow. Beneficial bacteria treatment can also benefit aquatic areas. 

2. Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus supports the immune system by helping the body to manufacture vitamin K. Exposing milk to Lactobacillus acidophilus is a method used to make yogurt and similar dairy products. Therefore, eating such dairy products helps to replenish the population of Lactobacillus acidophilus, which dwells naturally in the small intestine of the human body. 

3. Streptomyces

Streptomyces may sound similar to types of harmful bacteria that cause infections. However, streptomyces is good bacteria that are used to help produce antibiotics and other medications that fight such infections and help people recover from them. One such antibiotic is streptomycin, which literally means that it comes from streptomyces. In addition to treating bacterial infections, medications made from streptomyces also help to fight off antifungal infections. An autoimmune disorder is a disease that causes the immune system to attack healthy body tissues. Streptomyces are used in the production of immunosuppressant medications that help control symptoms of autoimmune disorders. 

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It is possible for the same bacteria to be helpful in some situations and harmful in others. For example, Escherichia coli can cause severe illness, but it also occurs naturally in the intestines of animals and people, where it helps to speed up digestion by secreting enzymes that break down food.