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A well-manicured lawn is a source of pride and can increase your home’s value. But a yard needs more than just water and fertilizer to thrive. Regular lawn mowing is an essential practice that promotes healthy growth, reduces weed infestations and improves overall lawn health.

When cut at the proper height, a lawn can grow stronger and healthier and withstand nuisances like pests, inclement weather or disease.

Reduces Weeds

Weeds detract from a yard’s beauty and serve as breeding grounds for insects that can cause visual and respiratory discomfort. In addition, weeds that grow near the foundation of a home can create cracks and crevices through which rodents can enter the house.

Having a well-managed lawn helps to keep unwanted weeds from forming, and mowing regularly allows the grass to grow to an even level, which promotes healthy growth. Weeds that are allowed to spread can have a devastating effect on the health of a lawn and should be controlled by using a dandelion fork or fishtail weeder to remove them as they come up.

Lawns should be mowed before sunrise, the best time for grass to absorb nutrients. Mowing should be done in sections, and mower blades should be washed after each use to avoid spreading weed seeds.

Prevents Diseases

Regular lawn mowing Arlington VA prevents many diseases that plague lawns. Long grass provides a habitat for disease-carrying pests like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. By mowing your lawn weekly, you minimize these pests’ hiding places and deter them from infesting your yard.

Additionally, longer grass traps moisture and can contribute to fungal diseases. When you mow consistently, your grass is less likely to develop these problems because it dries quickly and can absorb nutrients more evenly.

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Grass clippings are a great natural fertilizer recycled back into your soil each time you mow. They provide 25 percent of the lawn’s essential nutrients. In addition, cutting consistently helps to evenly distribute the sun’s rays throughout the property, making it healthier and more appealing. This consistency also helps prevent the unsightly patchy look that can occur when a lawn is neglected for too long.

Increases Appearance

Lawns mowed regularly have a more appealing look than those left unattended. The consistent growth of grass is healthier in color and length and allows for even absorption and distribution of nutrients from the sun.

Grass clippings provide 25 percent of the lawn’s nitrogen. They also help reduce thatch buildup, a major cause of poor lawn health. Weekly mowing also helps prevent unwanted grasses and weeds from growing and provides a clean, uniform appearance.

Overgrown grass can create a hospitable habitat for disease-carrying pests such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Regular mowing minimizes these pests’ hiding places and makes your yard more comfortable for outdoor activities. In addition, mowing often can discourage the spread of fungal diseases that can grow in tall grass. This is because shorter grass dries faster, decreasing the moisture levels that favor these diseases. This is especially beneficial for those with allergies or other sensitivities to fungal infections.

Saves Time

A well-maintained lawn looks great and boosts your property’s value. However, keeping your grass at a healthy height takes time and effort. A professional lawn care service will save you the hassle of doing this work yourself, and their consistent maintenance schedule means that your yard always looks its best.

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Regular mowing promotes healthy grass growth by stimulating root development and encouraging lateral grass growth to fill bare spots. Keeping your grass at a uniform height also ensures that all blades receive the same amount of nutrients from sunlight, which is essential for proper photosynthesis and overall lawn health. This means you won’t have to spend as much time in your yard and can focus on other enjoyable activities. Plus, a regularly mowed lawn is less likely to be affected by pests and diseases than an overgrown yard is.