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Condominium  If you are responsible for a leak that has damaged another unit, you have to take prompt corrective action. Here are some important things that you may need to do in the aftermath of a leak in the unit below yours.

Respond Right Away

If a unit owner or a building manager contacts you about a possible leak originating from your unit, you need to get back to them right away. Even if you are skeptical that something in your unit is the cause of a leak, make yourself available to help resolve the issue. Typically, leaks are considered emergencies, and a manager may have the authority to enter your unit if you are not available or arrange for repairs at your expense.

Itemize and Address Damage

After you have conclusively determined that a leak in your unit caused water damage to another, you and the unit owner should decide on a plan to rectify damage to drywall and fixtures. It may be necessary to pay for damage to personal items which cannot be repaired. 

Make a Plan to Repair Flooring

Water damage to drywall is straightforward enough, but damage to flooring may be more problematic. Hardwood floors are especially vulnerable to water damage and may need to be replaced. If the unit below yours has area rugs, professional treatment may be the best option. For assistance with rug drying Portland, reach out to a company that has experience remedying this type of issue.

Use a Dehumidifier

Ask your building manager if a dehumidifier is available. Running a dehumidifier can pull a lot of water out of the air and mitigate damage from moisture. 

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Condo living offers a lot of conveniences, but it can also expose you to unique liability concerns that single-family homeowners typically do not face. If you have to repair damage in another unit, good cooperation and resourcefulness can help you avoid a protracted and unpleasant ordeal.